Caring for Braces

Orthodontic first aid

As a general rule, you should call the office if you experience severe pain, or if you have a problem with your appliance that you can not take care of yourself.

Below is a list of things that may occasionally occur, as well as some remedies and instructions.
  • During the first days after your braces are placed, and after routine adjustments, you may feel some soreness and discomfort. You may take an analgesic such as acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) or ibuprofen (e.g. Advil, Motrin), provided that there are no known allergies to these medications. If you have an open sore, you can rinse with warm salt water to soothe the area.
  • If food becomes stuck between your teeth, use a Waterpik, dental floss or a proxy brush to dislodge the food.
  • Sometimes a wire can cause irritation to your gums, cheeks or lips. To resolve the discomfort, push the wire away from the area using the eraser at the end of a pencil, cotton swab or the back of a spoon. If the wire cannot be tucked away, cover the end of the wire with a small piece of wax. If the wire is poking you and wax does not help, the wire can be cut with a small wire cutter or nail clipper.
  • If a brace becomes detached from a tooth, it usually remains connected to the main wire and is not cause for an emergency visit. Tweezers can be used to reposition the brace if it flips around the wire and becomes a source of irritation. Call the office right away, even if you have an appointment the same day. If we do not know in advance that something is broken, we may not have enough time reserved during your regular appointment time to repair it. If you phone in advance, we can try to lengthen your appointment or change the time/date of your appointment.

Oral Hygiene Instructions

It is very important to brush your teeth after every meal in order to avoid cavities or gum disease. Use a soft or electric toothbrush, and replace the toothbrush when the bristles become short, splayed, or worn down, roughly every 2-3 months. It is equally important to floss daily because cavities can form between your teeth where brushing alone cannot access. Look in the mirror after brushing to make sure your teeth are clean. If your teeth do not shine, brush again!

Regular visits to the dentist (twice a year) are necessary during orthodontic treatment. During these visits, the dentist checks for cavities and cleans your teeth. As well, the dentist might recommend a fluoride rinse. More frequent visits to the dentist might be recommended in cases where the oral hygiene is not ideal. Failure to schedule dental visits can result in permanent damage to the teeth, gums and bone.

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